Participation of CG KO CIGRE at the First Conference of the Regional Committee CIGRE for South and C

Participation of CG KO CIGRE at the First Conference of the Regional Committee CIGRE for South and Central Europe, 7 to 8 June 2016, Portoroz, Slovenia

At the First SEERC conference in Portoroz, CG KO CIGRE was represented by Mr Martin Calasan, Chairman of SC A1, and Vojislav Srdanovic, Chairman of SC C5.
The scientific paper: Magnetic Field of the Bipolar Cable HVDC Italy-Montenegro and the Sea and in the Land Section - Milutin Ostojic, Martin Calasan was presented, and voted the best scientific work in its group and will be published in the ELECTRA journal.
In addition to the above, the work of the SEECAO: Regionally coordinated auctions of cross-border transmission capacities between South East European Transmission System Operators - D. Martincic (Montenegro), D. Medjimorec (Croatia), A. Mijuskovic (Montenegro) was named the best in its group .
Ljubo Knezevic (CGES) represented Montenegro with calling paper on the topic Electric Power System Challenges for year 2030.
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